3 Tips To Making The Perfect Bread


Bread is a staple food for many American homes. People regularly purchase from bread suppliers and spend a good deal of money on their baked goods. If you buy a lot of bread, you might be wondering what you could do to make it on your own. Making the perfect bread is an art, but here are a couple tips that even the most inexperienced bakers can implement to improve their bread-making skills. 

1. Pay Attention To The Yeast To Salt Ratio

Everyone knows that yeast is an essential part of making good bread. The yeast is what will make the bread rise and give it its fluffy texture. What many people fail to recognize is that the salt plays an equally important role in the rising process. The salt is not just for flavor; it will actually regulate how much the yeast rises. This is why you should make sure that you are not overdoing the salt. Even if you want the flavor, you should salt the bread after it has baked, rather than put more in the dough, which will suppress the rising. However, if you don't put enough salt in the bread, the yeast will rise too fast and cause the bread to fall and taste weird. This is why it is important that you follow the salt to yeast ratio in the recipe very closely.

2. The Stickiness of the Dough Is Important

When you are adding flour, you should pay closer attention to the feel of the bread rather than what the recipe calls for. Most experienced bakers don't even follow how much flour the recipe says--instead they know what to look for and feel for. When adding the flour, you want the bread to feel sticky to the touch but still workable. This means it should stick to your hands, but when you pull it off, it should all come off as one lump together. If little pieces stay on your hands, you need more flour. If the dough is one lump and doesn't stick to your hands at all, you have put too much flour in.

3. Knead It For The Right Amount Of Time

Another important feature is kneading the bread. If you have a bread maker, you should put in the maker and let it knead for at least 6 minutes or so, but if you are hand kneading it will take longer, usually around 10-12 minutes. The kneading process is important to mixing the bread and activating the yeast.

By using these simple tips you can make the perfect bread. 


4 March 2015

finding the perfect wedding cake

What are your options of wedding cakes? With so many styles of wedding cakes that can be made to suit the tastes and desires of any bride, it can be difficult to know where to even begin. My site will help any bride find the perfect wedding cake to complete the most special day of her life. I have included information about cake and icing flavors, the different shapes and styles of wedding cakes and even how to store your left-over wedding cake to share with your spouse on your first anniversary. Hopefully, this information will make it easier for you to find absolute perfection in your wedding cake.